The Benefits of an Independent Healthcare Advocate

At BowTie Medical, we emphasize the importance of having an independent advocate through our Health Guardianship program. This approach is designed to protect our members from the hidden harms that can arise from unnecessary medical procedures, which are often encouraged by a healthcare system driven by profit rather than patient well-being.

Why You Need a Health Guardian

Medical decisions can be overwhelming and complex. Our health guardians are dedicated to ensuring that you have a knowledgeable advocate on your side when discussing potential treatments and procedures with healthcare providers. This support is crucial in navigating a system that often prioritizes 'more care' over 'appropriate care'.


Benefits of Health Guardianship

  • Professional Advocacy: Ensuring someone is always on your side, helping to interpret medical advice and its implications.
  • Informed Decision Making: Assistance in understanding the risks and benefits of proposed treatments, avoiding unnecessary procedures.
  • Protection from Over-treatment: Guard against procedures driven by financial incentives, not patient health needs, such as unnecessary surgeries in cardiology, orthopedics, urology, and gynecology.


Ensuring Your Health Comes First

Our Health Guardians are committed to translating complex medical information and helping you understand every aspect of your care options. They serve as your personal advocate, ensuring that each medical decision aligns with your best interests, not the financial goals of healthcare institutions.

At BowTie Medical, we stand by our promise to safeguard your health by providing independent, expert advocacy that guides you toward the most beneficial and necessary medical treatments. Choose us to stand by your side, ensuring your healthcare decisions are informed, considered, and truly yours.
