Transform Your Healthcare Experience with BowTie Medical’s Health Guardianship

At BowTie Medical, we understand the challenges of navigating a fragmented healthcare system. The burden of integrating care from various specialists and managing multiple appointments often falls on you, the consumer. That's why we developed Health Guardianship – to revolutionize your healthcare experience by becoming your dedicated care integrator.


Simplified, Integrated Care

With Health Guardianship, you no longer need to act as your own healthcare coordinator. Our approach offers:

  • A Single Point of Contact: One phone number connects you to a comprehensive care team.
  • Unified Health Management: We manage all aspects of your care, keeping your medical history in one centralized system.

Comprehensive Care Team

Our dedicated team includes:

  • Primary Care Doctors
  • Specialists
  • Health Coaches
  • Nurses
  • Concierge Navigators

This team works together to ensure seamless care, conducting research, making recommendations, negotiating rates, and providing support.

Proactive and Personalized Support

We take a proactive approach to your health. By identifying risks early, we invite you to collaborate with us to manage and mitigate these risks effectively. Our goal is to help you save money, reduce health risks, and achieve better health outcomes.

Your Advocate in Healthcare

We serve as your advocate, leveraging our access to healthcare systems to guide you to the best care options. You no longer have to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system alone. We provide:

  • Research and Recommendations: Tailored to your specific needs.
  • Rate Negotiation: Ensuring you get the best value for your care.

Become a Member, Not a Patient

At BowTie Medical, our mission is to ensure you are a member and consumer of care, not just a patient. We strive to deliver a better, more cohesive healthcare experience, freeing you from the disjointed care you’ve known.

Embrace a new standard of healthcare with Health Guardianship. Contact us today to start transforming your healthcare experience.
